30 Day Drink Less Programme

NEW 30 Day Drink Less Email Programme

Would you like to cut down on your drinking but not sure where to start?

Have you tried cutting down in the past but not succeeded?

Like many people, you may want to drink a bit less, have more energy, sleep better and feel more in control of your drinking.

Our 30-Day Drink Less Programme is designed to help you do just that in a way that suits you.

The Drink Less Email Programme sends you an email a day for 30 days with tips and tricks to help you make changes to your drinking and it’s FREE!

The programme includes a short lesson a day to help you make changes to your drinking and cut down.

All you need is a pen and paper – or any device – to do short written exercises every day that will help you understand more about how you drink and how to change for the better.

The course covers:

  • How to make changes that last
  • Making tiny shifts that make a big difference
  • Drinking less at home and when you go out
  • Planning (and sticking to) drink free days throughout the week
  • Managing pressure from others to drink
  • Making a plan for when and how much you want to drink each week
  • Learning from set-backs, slip ups and bouncing back




Note: This course is not intended as medical advice – if you would like to speak to someone about your drinking, please visit the support page or speak to your GP. 




Take a short break and start feeling more in control

The 30-Day Drink Less Programme starts with a 2-week break from alcohol so you can focus on understanding your drinking pattern.

We'll help you to plan exactly how much, when and where YOU want to drink - putting you firmly in control.

The programme is based on evidence-based counselling and wellbeing techniques to help you cut down and feel healthier.


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